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Data Value

The value of your data is not just about the quality of the data. Some data only contributes once to the information gathering process, whereas other data may contribute to more than one information store.

This alone is also insufficient. To determine how valuable data really is, it is necessary to look at the entire Decision Aarchitecture that supports decision making and actions. This is as much a "top down" analysis as it is a "bottom up" one.

Process Value

Data is operated on to create information. Subsequently, information is operated on to create intelligence and that is operated on to inform decisions.

Processes, applications and other operations can have a positive or negative impact at every level.

Quantifying the impact of processes, applications and other operations is critical to understanding the overall value of any decision.

Intelligence Robustness

Data and information tend to be historic. Intelligence tends to require some level of informed projection into the present or future.

Experience, wisdom and knowledge are some of the skills that are required to undertake this informed projection.

We seek to extend our analysis into all aspects of intelligence generation. We develop measures pertinent to your organisation to quantify these projections.

Decisions and Actions

Data are reduced to information, information reduced to intelligence and intelligence to "yes/no" or "A/B" actions. The Decision Architecture quantifies how defensible these decisions are.

We conduct critical path and "what if?" analyses to explore how any element in the chain to decision making can have a positive or negative impact on that decision. We can help to identify what in that process is really important to your organisation and what is not.